Welcome to my blog! Your comments are greatly appreciated...it will encourage me to know that people are reading my story!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shut Up! & What A Week!

Shut Up!
I've been up for a while already. Couldn't sleep. The dialog in my head, too distracting. I suppose we hear our own voice, in our head, talking to ourself. My mind has been racing about conversations past, present and future. I wish I had an Off Switch!

What A Week!
This week has been great! I completed Core Class 301 at church. That was my favorite thus far. Only one more to go before I am "officially" allowed to be part of ministry at All Nations. hehe! (better late then never!) Worship practice was interesting; it really is a shame we don't get to practice as a whole band. Grass is always greener though; cause when we are a band, the vocalists want to be on their own...when we are on our own, we want the band there. The best part of the day was the evening, after practice, Matt and I went for a long walk and talk. It is a blessing to learn more and more about him each day! I finally went shopping and got some new swimsuits...I needed 'em, it's been a while! Matt and I walked again before our Youth Ministries meeting that night. Well, if you could call it that, it was rather short and sweet...we didn't know what to do with ourselves afterwards. Thursday I was up early, car-pooling Matt to work, so his Jetta could get a check up. I picked him up after work and we went our for supper before he had to get to the church to practice with his worship band. Friday I messed up my mom's computer by trying to switch anti-virus programs. She wasn't a happy camper! The afternoon was very cool! Val, Steve and I went swimming at LU with the youth group. Matt showed up after work and watched the rest of us have tons of fun splashing around and jumping off the Towers. We followed that by attending a dinner/concert at Grace Family Center. Saturday, Matt graciously bailed me out of "jail" by fixing said computer! He's an angel in more ways than one! After that, we spend the afternoon together. First stop: car wash, (I still feel like a kid when I go thru a car wash!), then out for lunch and shopping again...we both don't like shopping, but when together, it's doesn't seem nearly as bad. Shopping was followed by a surprise visit to Val's...hehe. I wrapped up the night by attending Sarne and Sandi's Stag & Doe party with Val and mom. (...and a call that claimed 'false alarm' from Meghan, who is due to have her baby any day now).

Wow, it really has been a busy week...lots of time to relax from school term coming to an end. Tons of time with Matt, getting to know more and more about each other! And just enough time to get anxious about my Field Geology course which starts tomorrow...YIKES...tomorrow! HELP!!!!
Until then, I plan on enjoying the church service this morning with Matt and friends, and then spending the afternoon hanging out at the local park all together...should be a blast!

ps. some pics were taken at the pool, the concert and the Stag & Doe...plan to post when I receive them.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, it's about time! I just found out that I passed all my classes this term! Yipee! I was pretty confident, but it's always nice to see final marks posted and completed credits added to my transcript.

Optical Mineralogy 62%
Structural Geology 70%
Geochemistry 71%

These marks may not seem like much to some people, but they are pretty cool in my books. Considering I avoided sciences like the plague in highschool, and was told by numerous profs that I would be unsuccessful in this degree program; no one is more thrilled then I to be proving them wrong and getting closer to attaining my BSc Geology!

Here's hoping I can pull an awesome mark in my summer Field Geology course which starts next week! I'll be in the bush, so please pray for 2 weeks of SUNSHINE!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Spreading The News

(April 22, 2007)

Facing Our Church Family:
Oh my, Sunday was a big day! Matt and I had talked about how we wanted to let the congregation at church know about our relationship. The situation seemed to be slightly more complicated since our worship team was singing that morning. Matt surprised me by suggesting an early announcement to our team, I said he could lead the way, and I would follow. The butterflies were up early with me in the morning, while I got ready for church...
When I got there for pre-service practice, Matt was already busy getting the group organized. Practice took place with no signs of what Matt and I had been thru the past week. We all went to pray in the back room, where I totally expected his announcement, and yet nothing happened. He was nervous, as was I. We sat and waited for the service to start, trying to tame the mass of butterflies we were both feeling.
The Gathering was such a wonderful service. It's so worshipful and meditative. Matt and I sat thru the sermon holding hands, wondering who would see and who would say something afterwards. Like nervous kids,...hehe! To my surprise and delight, at the end of the service, Matt came across stage to hold my hand during the reading of the benediction. Well, if that didn't announce our commitment to each other, I don't know what would. I couldn't help but smile.

We had half an hour before Fusion would start (the second service)...so we finally made our way into the foyer, holding hands to see who we could freak out. LOL! Many people were so thrilled for us...the response was incredible. People of all ages were approaching telling us they have seen this relationship coming for months. We both did alot of smiling and blushing. The comments and congratulations were just confirmations for me; letting me know that we aren't the only people who think God has brought us together. My only question: How come everyone saw that it was mutual before me???

Fusion went smoothly too, followed by more friends and congregation members congratulating us. What a morning! We finally got away to have lunch with my Mom, Sue and Val, who each took numerous stabs at us throughout the meal...it was so much fun!

I came home after lunch...I needed time to settle my emotions from the morning. A headache threatened, but didn't take root, thank goodness...I was gonna be out of sort enough... At 3:30, Matt picked me up to go have dinner with his parents.

Meet 'The Parents':
Bev and George are wonderful people. They made me so comfortable, welcoming me into their home. Talk went from memories of Matt's childhood to stories of Brady, Matt's nephew. Bev was bold enough to say they are hoping and waiting for more grandchildren. hehe! (something my mom would say too, no doubt). Dinner was tasty, and again conversation flowed ok... Obviously I acted a little shy and felt somewhat out of place, but hey, it's my first formal "meet the parents" dinner. Overall, I think things went well...I hope they liked me, cause I know I sure like their son...giggle, giggle. Best thing is, I bet my parents would get along great with Matt's parents...scary thought, eh!

Our evening consisted of Ignite meeting at the church for another chat about Prayer...after which everyone in attendance had to try praying. It was such an awesome event to be apart of...such openess and trust. I think our group is starting to really gel as friends. Some of us ended the night with a stop at Timmy's, where conversation is always indepth, and had few limits. You NEVER know what might come up around a Timmy's table!

Matt dropped me off afterwards, and joined me for a little walk with my dogs (Paige and Jackson). We said our goodnites and he left.
I'll admit I came home and had a little ...episode? Just all the emotions of the last week finally hit, compiled with thoughts of the future. I was overwhelmed.

God is Awesome
His Timing is Perfect
He Holds My Future
...(there's something missing here...perhaps it will come to me later...)

So yesterday was a pretty big day. It was totally fun and exciting, but in many ways I am glad it is over. Now, Matt and I can look to today, tomorrow and our future...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Apr 20/07; Even A Good Day Must End

There is so much to say...where do I start? Usually the beginning is a common place to start recounting a tale, but the trouble is that today is a day of endings and new beginnings.

Some friends will expect this post, some will be surprised...here's my story:

This week has been a most interesting week. Recall the rush and thrill of being tossed upwards and around and down by forces when riding a rollercoaster...ya, that pretty much sums up my week.
Monday was that first LARGE hill...the excitement builds, and builds...and climaxes...leaving you hanging...ok, ok...I found out that a man I have been developing a crush on as been feeling the same way about me...ya, I know...can't help it, I was glowing like a kid in a candy shop.
I suppose my Monday night was the sudden drop, plummeting down faster then you can breathe. We met to chat face to face, very honest and open...leaving things unresolved.
The rest of the week has been all those crazy tight turns, and upside down loops you laugh your way thru while you try to suck in just one breath.
Today, ya, today was that day of safe return and victorious release...that smooth ride back to the starting deck...where you finally catch your breath enough to laugh out loud, simple because you made it, you survived. Today, he and I went to lunch...it's offical, we're dating!

So, you're thinking...rollercoasters...closure and beginnings...this girl is crazy!
Sure this week was probably the most extreme rollercoaster ride of my life...which came to a blessed stop at lunchtime. But...it's only the beginning...there's a whole amusement park before us still left to explore!!!

After lunch, my day just sailed on...a visit with the grandparents, and a daring visit with my dad, which turned out to be quite pleasant, even if it was interupted by his "adopted" family...(not getting into that now)...Of course I was glowing from my lunch date, so it didn't take much for family to pull the news out of me. And at last I got to come home and chat with mom. hehe...

A meeting at the church to plan the youth events for the next 2 months was followed by a mad dash around town to gather food and snack for all, only to find out our evening plans had to change. A game of LIFE was just the ticket! A chance to lazy around, enjoy the company of friends...and pick on Val (my new younger sister! hehe...).

After saying our goodnites, I headed home...but that was apparently not the right track. God took the wheel and led me to a place where I could spend some time in communion with him. Ah, those moments we seldom take time out for, yet are SO utterly worth it whenever we just follow His lead. I found myself in a safe and quiet, prayerful place of Hope. Today was a day of blessings...how could I deserve this last one, this time with Him, to reflect and praise and seek His wisdom...Here are some thoughts from my time with Him in the wee hours of the morning:
  • A list of names of my family and friends, by whom I am blessed to know, showed me just how rich I am in this life.
  • Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice in it." God knew...He knew all along that today would happen! He must have felt like an excited Father on Christmas morning, just waiting to see the looks of pure joy on our faces when we discovered His surprise!
  • "Awesome"...a word I should really stop using in everyday context...for if God is Awesome, what else could compare?
  • A prayer for God to be in the center of this new relationship; the third (invisible) thread of a braid, which keeps the other two from unraveling.
  • And when the thoughts of my mind got to be too much...

My Mind Races

My Heart Thunders

Yet My Feet Are Steadfast In You.

I think I am finally seeing what just a mustard seed-sized faith can do... Psalms 27:14 "Put your hope in Yahweh, be strong, let your heart be bold, put your hope in Yahweh".

It sure is another beginning to have found my place to meet God...I can't wait to return. It's so late...now I am tired! This day must end.

Oh, by the way, his name is Matt. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Another year of school has come to an end; a great time for some reflecting.

Assuming I successfully attain the credits for the classes I took this year, I will only require 15 more classes to complete my BSc. It seems like so many upon first glance, but in reality it's not that bad; 75 credits down, and 45 to go. Perhaps I should pull up my socks next year and attempt to take 4 classes per term instead of only the 3 I managed this year? I believe that as of this morning, I can start planning my course selection for next year...a task I actually enjoy doing.

I found a box the other day. What's inside, you ask? My life!
Seriously, I have not seen some of these items for years...so I took some personal time last night to search through and discovered a lifetime of memories. Photo albums, yearbooks, an old sketch pad, some old figurines, awards from elementary school and a collection of school pictures of each year since kindergarden! Even my favorite "horse" picture books were there! Goodness, I knew I loved horses as a girl, but wow! Every album has pictures of me with horses at all stages of life. Funny how I have grown up to still enjoy their beauty, but also to recognise that physically, riding isn't as fun as it used to be. I've gotten old! The yearbooks offered an odd trip down memory lane. From grade 9 where there is but 1 mug shot of myself to grade 12 where I appear more frequently with groups of friends and clubs I belonged to. Apparently I was a member of the SSS Bible Study Club, yet have no recollection of any actual meetings...odd. I'd forgotten about a story I wrote regarding my technology course project, so that was interesting. And let me not forget to mention the endless scribblings of fellow students...sure there are notes from dear friends, even a few from an old boyfriend...but to my surprise, the majority seem to be from people I can't even remember. Silly, eh?

As I look around my place now, I see a tornado of papers, books and scraps from a year of studies, and I know I need to clean up and organise. It's a project I fantasize about being complete, but will have a hard time getting it underway. I love the freedom of a school year coming to an end! Even tho I survive all year in this chaos of pages and binders and textbooks everywhere, I actually do prefer a tidy environment. So here's to my task of tidying up. Maybe I will even start on it today?

I have a picture in my mind's eye that I would like to get down on paper. Just an idea I recently started to toy with. Perhaps with the intent of giving to a dear friend of mine? I suppose that will depend of whether it actually materializes and if I believe it is worthy of being a gift. I think it will feel wonderful to be creative after a year of science-based studies.

I woke up this morning with the thought of getting my hair cut; an idea I have also been toying with for a while. I always hold onto my longer locks in hopes of having long hair for my wedding day...someday...totally rediculous, eh. With the stress of the last few months and the release of feeling free from some of it at long last, I think a visit to the chop shop would be fun. Today is as good a day as any...

It appears my mom's to do list will be put into effect today.
#1) Empty the vacuum canister under the stairs and clear that storage area so that we can rearrange it once dad's stuff is gone.
The list is much longer, but I think that is all that she wants to accomplish today, thank goodness, as I have some plans of my own that I would like to do.

Oh, I was so blessed to have a chat with my dearest friend, Raun yesterday. God knew I had alot on my mind and needed a talk with Raun. It's amazing how God's timing is so perfect...and yet when there are things we long for, we wonder what's taking Him so long.
I needed a reminder that His time is perfect! Just as much as I needed to chat somethings out with Raun, (you always have great advice, my friend!!!).

Wow, what a long post...#3...and I still can't believe I am doing this!
Is anyone even reading these things??

Monday, April 16, 2007


Have you ever found a butterfly
Out of the corner of your eye

That light flutter
Then again, still

Have you ever seen a butterfly
Wings of grace, creation's beauty
Hold your breath
With the wind, gone

Have you ever felt butterflies
Your chest, their cage
Remember to breathe
Smile, set free

in the beginning

i cant believe i am joining the world of blogging. this will be a whole new experience for me. i have enjoyed learning more about people through their blogs and hope my tales will be of some interest to others.
i consider myself to be somewhat creative, so the intent is not to make this a simple journal of events, but a collection of thoughts, experiences and creative writings.

"the [keyboard] is mightier than the sword"