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Nov. 17th, 2010 - Baby Benjamin arrived 10 days early in a 4.5 hr unplanned home delivery; weighing in at 8 lbs, 2 oz. Mommy and baby are doing great and Daddy is awesome support for both of us! God bless grandparents who have been so much help in the early days!

Oct. 13th
- Labour and delivery course. Learned lots, mostly about how much my hubby can really help me out in labour with different massages, pushing on my back and stuff. Very helpful course! Getting nervous and anxious now...still 6.5 weeks to go.

Oct. 7th - Midwife appt. Baby's heartrate remains constant at 140 bpm. Still in head down position. Kicking has turned to more of a pushing; getting to be tight quarters in there!

Sept. 16th - Another midwife appt. Baby's heart rate was again a steady 140 bpm. Baby was positioned head down. I have been doing lots of reading about labour and delivery and the more I read, I am SO thankful that we are working together with midwives! Yippee for information, freedom and choice!

Aug. 23rd - This evening, baby was being rather quiet while my hubby and I watched TV. I made a comment about it and suddenly baby started kicking. For the first time, my hubby put his cheek/ear to my tummy and stayed very still...and baby kicked him in the face! A few times! YAHOO! It's the first time he has been able to feel baby move at all. So exciting! He said is sounded like hiccups, and was amazed that I wasn't making those sounds/movements. I told him each time it was baby, and he felt each movement. Finally!

Aug. 20th
- only 100 more days to go! WOW! I can't wait to meet this little person who is wiggling around inside of me! Boy or girl?; we won't know until s/he arrives, which is exciting. I'm also very much looking forward to the coming baby showing my mom and MIL have planned for Sept. 18th. It's going to be so weird to bring home all sorts of baby stuff! We plan to have the nursery painted by then and the crib set up so everything from the shower can just go in the baby's room and get sorted later. I can't believe I'm about 2/3rds of the way there!

Aug. 18th - Midwife appt. We discussed where we might be interested in laboring and delivering. My hubby and I are both more comfortable with the idea of delivering at a hospital, but I like the thought of laboring mostly at home; being able to be in my own house, use my tub if I want a warm bath, etc. Baby and I are "growing" right on schedule and baby's heartbeat was a strong 140 bpm.

Aug 5th - Recently, I was so happy to start feeling baby move more discernably. But the last two nights have been crazy; I can't fall asleep because baby's throwing a party in there! I don't know how many more nights of being up til 2am I can handle...but then again; this could be preparation for when baby is actually here; I'll likely get less sleep! But for now, it sure makes getting up and spending a day at work difficult.

Aug 3rd - My mom called me at work to say she was trying to track down a place to hold a baby shower for me! Wow! I am so excited!...she's got a list of 65 people she wants to invite! Incredible, I can't imagine that many people getting together to celebrate our coming baby!!!

July 19th - Had another midwife appt today. Ultrasound results were all good, baby is growing right on schedule. Baby's heartbeat was ~135pbm.

July 17th - Ordered baby crib today...yahoo! Finally decided on furniture colour (oak) and style of crib (StorkCraft "Rochester"). Believe it or not it was cheaper at Sears than at Walmart! I'm very excited to have finally ordered our first baby item!

July 10th - My Hubby and I finally went to Sears today to look at cribs and car seats! It seems that I've been waiting to start shoping for so long! After walking around for about 40 mins, I started feeling really weak. I told my hubby and found a chair to sit down in. It quickly got worse; I felt dizzy, like I was literally spinning, I broke out in sweats, and the last think I remember was asking him for water. Next thing I knew he was right up close in my face asking if I was still "with him". It all slowly faded away and he told me my eyes had rolled back into my head, like I'd blacked out. The women that worked there were great; they brought me a cold cloth, and cold water to drink and even brought a wheelchair to take me to the first aid room to lay down for a bit. This has never happened to me before; but we are thinking it was just a sudden sugar drop. We'll tell the midwives next week and see what they say. Go figure...I finally got my hubby out looking at baby stuff and I pass out!!! Just my luck!

July 8th - I'm getting anxious. Part of me really wants to know the sex of our baby; and part of me wants the surprise. It would make planning and shopping so much easier, if we knew. But then again, if we buy everything gender specific and our future children are the opposite gender, we'd have to buy everything all over again; so that's one good reason to prep for baby as neutrally as possible. I keep telling myself that I will be able to decorate their rooms more specifically when they are older. I'm dying to start thinking of names...but my husband is not interested in that discussion yet. He's a thinker, so I know that when he says he is ready, he'll be ready and excited to discuss names...but until then I sort of feel alone. He has also not allowed any shopping for baby yet; which I am also dying to do...I've waited 30 yrs to be expecting...there is lots to research and endless choices to make about which products we want to use. But alas, I keep waiting for him to be ready...and again I know that when he is, it will be wonderful to research and shop for everything together. I just wish he'd be ready now! LOL! Yes, definately feeling IMPATIENT!

June 29th - We had our ultrasound, my first ever! Wow, all that fluid sure makes ya need to pee!!! Of course they are not allowed to say anything about baby's health, but it was so wonderful to see baby looking as it should and moving like crazy. It's pretty amazing that I am unaware of all that movement inside of me (as of yet). The pics they gave us are pretty bad compared to what we got to watch on the screen of baby moving around. At first glance, baby was playing "peek-a-boo", moving its hands infront of its face and to the side repeatedly; oh so cute! Then we saw baby do a full body stretch, totally adorable! Then baby turned right over and gave us a backside shot...haha...what an active little monkey! You know...I still had a hard time looking at that screen and believing this little miracle is inside of me...me?...of all people? WOW!!! God is so good! 

June 28th - We go for an ultrasound tomorrow. We are not wanting to find out the sex, but just make sure everything is fine. I'm getting more and more nervous, as a friend of mine found out at this point that her baby had many missing organs (no liver, kidneys, etc.); basically finding out that her baby would never survive. I am just praying that our baby is growing on schedule and healthy as can be. Oh, and I am also worried about drinking and holding all that fluid!!!

June 14th - Had a midwife appointment this morning. We got to meet the second midwife on our team and hear baby's heartbeat again (148 bpm). They are sending me for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks. We really want baby's sex to remain a surprise...so they are sending us to the hospital where they will NOT tell us the sex. I've been feeling much better (but still on high dose of Diclectin each day). Just really tired and need to eat all the time, and had a string of headaches for the last 2 weeks...but that's all better than the nausea of early pregnancy!

May 14th - Had a midwife appointment on the 12th. Finally did some blood work. My Husband came too and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat at 11w1d. I wasn't sure how I would react to hearing the heartbeat (150 bpm), but it was pretty cool. Amazing to think there is a little living thing inside of me! In terms of 24/7 nausea, this morning has been the best morning I can remember in a very long time!

May 4th - Starting week 11 now and still feeling awful. For the last 2 weeks its been 24/7 sickness. After hardly eating for aweek, I went to a walk-in clinic and was put on Diclectin. It helped rigth away, and I was able to eat in the mornings, etc. But after a week, I am back to being sick in the mornings and hardly able to think about food. When will this end??? Can I survive 9 mths of this?

Apr.1st - First midwife appointment is April 12. I have lots of questions; mostly about eating right.

Mar. 28th - This is my first pregnancy. Thinking of going the midwife-route.