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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Invitations Are In The Mail

At Last!!!
Our wedding invitations are off! (well, at lunchtime, Matthew will bring them to the post office). But, today is the day they are out and on their way. We thought we would get them all printed, packaged and ready to mail out last Friday night. It ended up taking us the weekend and last night to get the ones that require mailing ready to go. We still need to write up directions to the church to go into the invites for the ceremony. Crazy how much work is involved in such a seemingly simple task. But we stuck it out, did it all together, and the end product is rather nice, (imho).
I think this will be it for wedding plans for a few weeks...I am heading into final exams starting next week until the 13th of December, so I need to focus on school.
We contacted another mortgage broker and got another quote. We now have a real estate agent keeping his eye out for houses for us. Please pray that we find something: before our wedding, in our price range, in an area we are comfortable with, and a place we can make into our first HOME.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Things Keep Falling Into Place

Days go by and more things keep getting accomplished!
Midterms are all back and I did really well. I can't believe that this term's finals start in less than three weeks!!! Pray for me to handle the heavy workload of final projects and studying for finals.
So far, Matthew and I have spent tons of time on wedding plans, which is to be expected; but the surprising thing for me is that it seems so simple. We keep coming up with more to do, and each decision we make is one thing done. LOL...does this make any sense?
I guess there were so many people thinking we wouldn't have time to pull together a wedding in 4.5 mths, that I expected a little more trouble with the whole thing. I am NOT complaining at the ease with which it is coming together!!! I am thrilled and really enjoying the planning process.
So far, we have the church and minister, the reception hall, our great friends standing for us, a dear friend making our wedding cake, another good friend singing a solo in the ceremony, another good friend is going to be our photographer, and so on. The invitation list is about complete, with invitations ready to go out probably later this week or coming weekend. Almost all the decorations are purchased. Wedding bands have been selected. And best of all, we have been working on all aspects together, it's wonderful.
That's right, we're starting to look for a house. We just got in touch with an agent and with some reservation and some excitement we're about to enter the world of real estate! Pray that God's got a house picked out for us to turn into our first home together.
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I understand there is still TONS to do...I'm no fool. But what a great time in our relationship to enjoy together and store up memories!!!
I love you, Matthew