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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Surprise 60th Birthday Party for Grandma!

It finally happened!  We've been working on this for over a month now with a friend. 
It was pouring rain today while we brought everything into the hall we had booked.  But we got things ready and people showed up on time and Mom arrived and was happy to see everyone gathered to celebrate her 60th Birthday.  Unfortunately, she admitted later that someone had let the surprise slip, so she knew about the party...oh well, what can you do?  At least those of us in attendance had a great time!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Natural Gas Furnace & AC

Yesterday and today we've had some guys here removing our old oil tank and furnace and installing a new natural gas furnace and air conditioner.  We won't have the natural gas connected until August some time, but at least we will have working AC for the hot summer months!

We are trying to make things as comfortable as possible for Mister when he starts sleeping upstairs in his own room, but in the summer it gets SO HOT up there.  Hope the AC helps!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ottawa Trip - Sick Mister

On Monday Mister and I traveled to Ottawa with a friend.  She was going there for work, so we tagged along to go and visit friends of ours who had not yet met Mister.  He was so well behaved on the way there, slept alot and was great about nursing at stops and going back in his car seat.

The first night there, I was really cold and didn't sleep well.  The next day, Mister was a little out of sorts, perhaps crankier than usual?  Just not himself.  That evening, he was starting to cough lots, and that night was hell.  Poor guy might have slept for two hours, maybe...he kept coughing and having trouble catching his breath.  When I think back on it, I should have tried to go to a hospital (but I didn't have a car with a car seat).  Our friends' son had the same Ventolin puffer as Mister, so we gave him some during the night.

First thing in the morning, our friend picked us up and we headed home.  I waited until 9am to call our Dr.'s office and told them about Mister's symptoms.  They recommended we stop at the next possible hospital, because his symptoms could worsen over the course of our 6 hour drive.  We ended up in Renfrew and the staff of the Renfrew Hospital were fabulous.  Mister was given vaporized Ventolin, had a chest X-ray one more round of vaporized Ventolin and a oral liquid steroid.  Then he was a new kid!  He was happy and able to nurse again (he hadn't nursed in over 12 hours!)  They gave us a Ventolin puffer and air chamber for the ride home and Mister slept peacefully most of the way!  Why didn't I take him to a hospital sooner???  Am I a bad mother???  Thank goodness for our Dr.'s office recommendation to stop at the nearest hospital and for the great care we received when we did.  And thank goodness for our friends who helped me through the whole ordeal, as I was running on fumes of little sleep for the previous two nights.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Deda's Birthday - Hiking at Onaping Falls

Today, Mister and I accompanied Deda to Onaping Falls for a hike.  It's Deda's birthday and he didn't know that this is an excuse to get him out of the house so friends could gather for a surprise birthday dinner.  He was just so thrilled to go hiking with us.  It was a really nice time and he got some pics, so I will have to get them and post them here later.

The day really couldn't have gone any better!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lactation Medication Update

Under the direction of my lactation consultant, I will be increasing my Domperidone to 40 mg three times a day and continue with 3 capsules of both blessed thistle and fenugreek seed three times a day.

Thrush...it's back!

Last week I finished a 5 day treatment of Fluconazole for thrush and a 6-day Canesten treatment...and the symptoms are still here!!!  GRRRRR!!!!!

Today I began another round of Fluconazole treatment, as advised by my lactation consultant who referenced Dr. Jack Newman.  I'll take a 400mg loading dose and follow it with up to 28 days of 200mg; until I am pain free for a week.  I'll also take Grapefruit Seed Extract in capsule form (1 three times a day) and probiotics (10 billion cells three times a day).  And I'll be using the All Purpose Nipple Ointment after each nursing. 

You can only understand the pain of nursing when you have thrush if you've experienced it.  If you have or are going through it, I feel your pain and wish you good medical care to get the right treatment!  My Dr. would never have prescribed Fluconazole like this if the lactation consultant didn't recommend it!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dedication Day

Mister was dedicated in a little ceremony at church this morning.  All the grandparents were in attendance.  Mister behaved himself and was cute as all get-out, of course! 

I found it hard to believe that it was my hubby and I having our baby dedicated; after watching these little ceremonies all my life, hoping and praying that one day it would be me and my husband up there. 

After church, we all when to Deda's place for a lunch celebration.