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Friday, April 27, 2012

Things are happening!

It's been a while...

I guess returning to work has kept me busy and away from here.  Things have been happening (family, health and work).

Benjamin is growing and more active than ever!  He is starting to use some words and figuring out that he can communicate things more effectively.  He now waves and says "bye-bye"...so cute! And he runs to the kitchen cupboard where some of his food comes from and says "na" (snack...he learned this from a girl at daycare).

Matthew is working hard at his new position at work.  It comes with some major responsibilities and stress, but he's doing great!

I've been working at my contract position for over 2 months now and I'm still loving it!  I've learned a lot and really enjoy what I am doing, (editing/correcting errors in published geological maps).  It's pretty nit-picky work and I love it!  The BIG news is that I had an interview this past week for a permanent position...got my figures crossed and lots of prayers happening, so here's hoping...(It was my best interview and I don't believe I could have prepared any more or better, so regardless of the outcome, I will know I did my best).  I should have an answer in the next couple of weeks...

As for my health, in early March I started back on Fluconazole for 1 month (after lengthy discussion with my Lactation Consultant and a doctor).  Right near the end of the month I got a throat and sinus infection that required antibiotics, which of course flared my yeast symptoms, so I stayed on the Fluconazole for an extra 10 days.  I got so fed up with my health!!!  I insisted on seeing my family doctor, having blood work done, a vag. swab, saw a dietitian and even signed up to see a Naturopathic Doctor.  My family doctor got the test results in and told me I was totally healthy (no yeast, no  bacteria, nothing), but if symptoms returned again, she would recommend an extended 6-month treatment of Fluconazole...6 more months of a drug I have tried over and over again for 1.5yrs!  No WAY!  And only AFTER that failed to fix my problems would she refer me to an infection specialist in town.  Ya, right...I really want to stay on this restricted diet for another 6 months with no change!

The Naturopath had different ideas...she looked at my test results and did a urine test (which no medical doctor had even thought to do).  She found/saw some interesting things and prescribed various treatments.  Guess what...I am getting better!  I am eating fruit for the first time in MONTHS with no yeast infection symptoms!  The Naturopath says I am a "text-book" case of chronic Candida infections; she pin-pointed the root of my problems in the urine analysis and within a week of treatment my symptoms disappeared!  I only feel better and better as treatment continues!  She believes I will be completely cured of my Candida issue (which is really a bacterial issue allowing the yeast to get out of control) and be able to return to a normal diet with no problems!!  I can't wait!...but for now, I am thoroughly enjoying the return of some fruit in my diet!  Very exciting stuff...at least it is for me!  Who knew...we've been treating the yeast infection (because those were the symptoms that I was feeling) instead of the underlying bacterial problem!