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Sunday, January 22, 2012


Tonight I was told that my Aunt Renata passed away. She was one of my favorite people on earth (now in Heaven!).

She suffered from breast cancer for about 2 years.  Her devoted husband and daughters took care of her the entire time.  Thank you!!!

As sad as I am that she is no longer with us, I rejoice in knowing she is in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father, cancer-free, pain-free and totally peaceful (although I am sure she misses her family and friends - I just remind myself she will be there to greet us when it's our turn!).

Renata, I love you and will always treasure my time with you!  Until we meet again...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I've Finally Started the Candida Diet

After over a year of suffering on and off with thrush/candida yeast infections, I've finally admitted to myself that I have no other option but to do the Candida Diet.

Our midwives suggested it way back when we were first diagnosed with thrush.  My lactation consultant has told me for about a year that this is what I need to do.  When I have asked employees at health food stores what I could do to battle yeast, they all said I need to do the Candida Diet.  On Friday, I spoke again with the doctor that prescribed me the most recent, long-term treatment of Fluconazole.  She told me that being on and off of Fluconazole for months like I have been is really not wise.  She said that if the yeast comes back again, she highly doubted another doctor will prescribe me this type of treatment with Fluconazole ever again.  The drug is very strong and extremely hard on the liver.  (And Benjamin does get some through my milk, too).  So, she said that I am really running out of options to deal with my yeast problems.  She asked how long I plan to continue breastfeeding; because she believes that if I stopped, I'd no longer have trouble with yeast.  (I have no plans to stop any time soon).  Then she conclude that doing the diet is really my last option if I want to keep breastfeeding and be thrush/candida free.

I've been reading lots about it, trying to find a list of foods to eat/avoid that I could follow.  Every website says something different.  I know the whole premise is to cut out sugars and carbs to starve the yeast and kill it off.

After my discussion with the doctor, I know the severity of the situation now, and that my breastfeeding is on the line.  I definitely don't want to give that up!

So, Saturday, January 14th I woke up determined.  I announced to my hubby that I was starting the "diet" that day.  Everyone I spoke with said I need to do it for 28 days, it's only 28 days of my life, and in jeopardy is my health, my son's health and our breastfeeding relationship.  So, I am totally on board and I will do this! 

Today is day 4 and I am doing well.  The mornings have been the toughest, because I have woken up weak, light-headed and a little nauseous (all expected symptoms resulting from candida die-off)...but still hard to deal with.  This morning was a little better, so hopefully I am on the up-swing and my mornings will get better.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Finally wrote my Breastfeeding Story

I finally got around to writing my tale.  I think that because it is a topic so precious and dear to my heart, I've been afraid to write it.  Please check out my breastfeeding story here.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Milk Blister

WARNING: This post contains description of nipple treatment...

I have been taking 200mg of Fluconazole per day to treat Thrush/Candida.  It's been over a month of this but I didn't want to lower the dose until I was pain free for a week (Dr. Newman's protocol).  The pain has always been more intense on my right nipple and I decided to investigate a little closer.  I realized the pain on my right nipple was extremely focused to one side.  There it was, a milk blister* (I had one a while back on the other nipple; before which I had never heard of it).  Last time, I looked it up and discovered it's caused by a pocket of milk trapped behind a layer of skin.  So this morning I just took a pin (cleaned with rubbing alcohol) and pricked the skin (barely felt a thing).  The intensity of the pain diminished immediately and after about 30 minutes there's hardly any pain at all when I touch it.  Hooray!  Now I will focus on keeping it clean (soap, APNO or maybe some Polysporin) and letting it heal!
Maybe that's the pain I've been feeling for a while and I am symptom-free of thrush?  I'm seeing a Dr. tomorrow night, so I'll find out how she wants me to proceed with the Fluconazole.

*For more information on Milk Blisters, see kellymom.com How to Treat a Milk Blister.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sleep Situation Update

Benjamin's been doing great at falling asleep without the breast...he feeds, I tell him it's "all done" and cover myself up.  Then we snuggle, sometimes he plays a bit and eventually he settles down on his crib mattress half-draped on me or snug up beside me and drifts off to sleep.

But guess what...Benjamin is now sleeping at least half the night IN his crib, with my bed about 2 ft away.  We started this on the 4th or 5th.  We put the crib railing back on and had a game plan of following Elizabeth Pantley's idea of moving him into the crib sleepy, but still awake, so he'd learn to fall asleep there on his own.  Matthew even moved upstairs to be with us to help me out.  It took us a few tries of him drifting off to sleep beside me, moving him, he'd get upset and stand up in the crib and cry.  We took him out and snuggled back in bed with him until he settled again and we tried to move him again.  After about an hour of this, I mentioned Pantley's "Sneaky Way", where you wait until baby is sound asleep before moving him to the crib.  We did this, waited about 20 minutes, moved him and he slept as usual, a couple hours before waking up crying and mad that he was alone in his crib.  We answered him right away (we were both sleeping 2 ft away) and brought him to bed with us for nursing and snuggles.  We repeated this throughout the night, each time he woke up, nursed, and waited for him to be asleep before moving him.

This method has been working for the last few nights...and a surprising discovery...Benjamin has stopped crying when he wakes up in his crib, he just stands up and "babbles" enough to wake me up, and with a happy, delighted tone of voice I congratulate him for good sleeping in his bed and immediately go get him and bring him into my bed.  I'm now waiting about 15 minutes before moving him back into the crib.  He barely rouses, tucks his knees under his tummy, sticking his little bum in the air and peacefully sleeps. 

I have also started putting a blanket on him; I wondered if he is waking because he is cold, since he is used to being warm beside me.  Last night was a great night...he slept in his crib for hours at a time and woke up content.  At 4am I woke him up from all my coughing, so I brought him to bed with me and kept him there for the rest of the night.  Poor guy, I hate disturbing him...that will be one bonus of being able to let him sleep alone - I won't bug him!

The Thrush Saga Continues...

Even days after finishing my last antibiotic my breasts/nipples were still really sore.  For 4 days I applied Gentian Violet in the morning after showering (and washed it off before nursing in the afternoon when Benjamin came home from daycare).

I was told by my lactation consultant to stop using the APNO because there is a steroid in it and long-term use is not good. 

I have continued taking 200mg daily of Fluconazole and will keep this up until I am a week pain-free.  Then I'll reduce to 100mg daily for a week and then I'll reduce to 100mg every other day.  (My lactation consultant and Dr. are pretty sure I'll have to remain on this dose for as long as I am breastfeeding).

I increased my grapefruit seed extract daily intake to 250mg twice a day for the last week.  This also included a switch from a capsule brand that included oregano to a CITRICIDAL(R) GSE tablet.

I increased my probiotic daily intake from 30 Billion CU to 80 Billion CU, including a Ultimate Flora VS capsule of 50 Billion culture units.

I have greatly reduced my intake of PROCESSED sugars.  This doesn't mean I haven't had any, but instead of four cookies for dessert, I have one.  Instead of pounds of baking over the holidays, I had a piece or two here and there.  I have basically stopped drinking milk (for now).  I have switched to a low-sugar plain yogurt.  I don't eat as much bread as I use to.  I drink lots of water, mostly with lemon juice in it.  (Lemon juice becomes alkaline in your body, which yeast doesn't like).  I have reduced my coffee intake (acidic) and have stopped sweetening it with sugar - I'll either drink it black or sweeten it with Stevia (natural sweetener, but NOT sugar - will not help yeast growth).  I have stopped drinking juice and pop.

I have maintained my intake of lots of fresh fruit (which has lots of sugar, but it's natural sugar).  I am researching the "Candida Diet" more and more and will make some changes over time.  I just feel like I could never cut out ALL sweets/carbs/sugars...But I can greatly reduce and make better food and beverage choices.

My breast/nipples are feeling better and nursing isn't as painful as it has been, which is a great relief. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Comments on Neti-Pot Use

The Neti-Pot is a saline cleanse for your sinuses.  It can be used everyday for general sinus cleansing and can also aid in dealing with sinusitis symptoms.

I used it twice a day for 4 days.  I was really glad my physiotherapist told me about the strange momentary "drowning" feeling when your sinuses are initially filling with the saline solution.  But once it starts running through the sinuses, you really can easily keep breathing through your mouth and just let the liquid flow.  Stopping halfway through the amount of liquid in the pot is a little tough to gauge (1/2 pot for one nostril and 1/2 pot for the other...but you don't really know when you're done the first half).  After one side, your blow your nose which is dripping with saline solution.  Do the other side and blow your nose until you feel like all the liquid is out.  I usually felt clear and was able to breathe quite easily after doing a cleanse.  I noticed the colour of nasal discharge changed after a couple of days of cleansing with the Neti-Pot.  I also noticed that my sinusitis pressure (which is ALWAYS on the left side of my face) was suddenly able to move from side to side, depending on which side I laid down on.  To me, this is a good sign that things are loosening up, because this is what happens when I have just a normal cold/stuffy nose. (A sinus infection stays in one place - at the site of infection).

Unfortunately, my nose started bleeding a bit this morning with blowing.  I'll take a break from the Neti-Pot today and start up on Monday doing it once a day.  Saline solution can be drying.  We'll see how things progress with once-a-day use.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Snuggly Little Mister

There is something so precious about your little baby reaching out to you for hugs and snuggles! 

We are still working on Benjamin sleeping in his crib.  Currently, I nurse him in my bed, let him fall asleep for about 15-20 mins afterwards and then we move him into his crib which is 2 ft away from my bed.  When he wakes, I bring him back to bed to snuggle and/or nurse and we repeat the process. 

Last night at 4am he woke up and didn't even cry, he just made enough little noise to wake me up and I got him and brought him back to bed with me.  We had just nursed about 1 hour before, so I just snuggled him.  He started "talking"...he says 'Hi' (sounds more like 'ha'..but it's what he says when the phone rings and we answer it).  I started responding, "Hi Benjamin"...he'd say Hi...I'd say hi...we'd smile at each other and giggle together.  Then it happened for the first time...

He reached out and put his arms around my neck and pulled me close, putting our cheeks together.  AWE!  Wow...so amazing to feel your child reach out and hug you, draw you close to them and want to be close to you.  He'd weave his fingers into my hair too...I'd kiss his cheek.  I'd pull away to look at him and we'd giggle.  So adorable!  (And so impossible to begrudge the 4am wake-up!)  Maybe after 15 minutes of this snuggle game he settled in beside me and drifted to sleep.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Left to Suffer...or am I?

Still suffering from sinus pressure and plugging.  Called to go back to Dr. office.  I saw the Dr. that is replacing my family Dr. while she is on maternity leave.  She told me that after 2 rounds of antibiotics that it is likely viral, a leftover symptom from a viral infection (I had a cold in November).  She told me there is nothing that can be done, I am stuck with the symptoms until they work their way out on their own.  Ya, right!  Good luck with that!

I had a physio appointment right after my Dr. appointment.  I mentioned that I was told to just suffer and deal with my sinusitis.  My physiotherapist said she uses a Neti-Pot and that she was told about it by my massage therapist.  The MT came over to sing the praises of the Neti-Pot as well.  I don't know how I feel about POURING liquid up my nose?  But, desperate times call for desperate measures!  I picked one up on the way home! 

Check out the follow-up post on my Comments about Neti-Pot Use.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Day of Antibiotics

Took my last antibiotic today.  I still feel the pressure in my sinuses on the left side of my face.  Is it possible that after 2 treatments of antibiotics, my sinus infection is STILL not cleared up???

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it is 2012 already.  Wow!

To ring in the new year, we enjoyed a dee-lish dinner of prime rib, mashed potatoes and Yorkshire pudding at Deda and Grandma Carole's home, in the delightful company of our niece, Liberty along with Maria and the Rheaume family.  We returned home around 8:30pm and were all in bed by 10:30...such party animals!

Happy New Year!!!