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Monday, September 26, 2011

1st Day at Daycare

Mister went to daycare for the first time today.  We were so nervous and sad to drop him off, but he was a trooper and didn't even cry (probably cause he had no idea what was happening).  Tomorrow might be worse...I need to prepare for that.  His daycare provider said he did well for his first day, cried lots when it was time for naps, so she kept him close and laid down with him.  Most of all she was proud of US since we didn't call her even once to check in (I just didn't want to hear him crying in the background, or worse, wake him up if she had just happened to get him to sleep).

From a breastfeeding point of view, I pumped once at midday to help make the transition.  I am waiting to hear from our lactation consultant for advice on what to do with my medications and pumping now that Mister will be away for the whole day during the week.  I am hoping I can still breastfeed as usual at nap times throughout the days on the weekend, at least that would be my preference.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

1st Crawling and 1st Wave

I couldn't ask for a better birthday present!

This afternoon my in-laws (ILs) were over helping out with Mister (because of my injured back) and they were encouraging Mister to crawl.  We worked for about 2 hours and eventually resorted to putting his favorite treats on the floor as 'bait'.  He made attempts, bouncing in place and leaning as far forward as possible, but just wouldn't move his legs.  He kept getting caught up on his feet, couldn't get them under him and behind. 

Around 4pm my Dad arrived to take Mister for the evening so Hubby and I could go out for my birthday dinner (we went to The Keg; it was delicious!!!).  So the ILs got ready to leave and stepped outside in time for Hubby to pull into the driveway, coming home from work.  They stood outside chatting, while my Dad played with Mister on the livingroom floor.  That's when Mister figured it out and moved about 5 inches forward all on his own.  Go figure, the ILs had worked all afternoon to get him to crawl...and they were outside when it finally happens!!!

Then, I've been trying to get Mister to wave, to copy me waving for a while now.  My Dad was holding him and when Hubby came into the house my Dad grabbed Mister's arm and waved it for him.  When he let go, Mister raised his arm and waved at my Hubby all on his own!  That's 2 for 2 where my Dad is concerned!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Starting Flovent Treatment

Today we begin Mister's Flovent treatment.  It's a daily puffer he takes twice a day to help minimize the trauma of coughing if and when he gets sick.  It is known to cause thrush in the mouth if not rinsed properly (although the use of a breathing chamber helps minimize the potential), so we will administer his two doses before breakfast and before supper, so he has lots of opportunity to wash it down with food and water.

He hates the chamber mask that goes over his mouth and nose; cries and shakes his head to get it off his face.  Hopefully with time he will learn it is just something he has to endure.

Because of his age, he cannot be diagnosed with asthma, but his track record of coughing with colds and his severe eczema are good indicators that he will be asthmatic.  For now, the doctors call it "irritated airways".