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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thrush...it's back!

Last week I finished a 5 day treatment of Fluconazole for thrush and a 6-day Canesten treatment...and the symptoms are still here!!!  GRRRRR!!!!!

Today I began another round of Fluconazole treatment, as advised by my lactation consultant who referenced Dr. Jack Newman.  I'll take a 400mg loading dose and follow it with up to 28 days of 200mg; until I am pain free for a week.  I'll also take Grapefruit Seed Extract in capsule form (1 three times a day) and probiotics (10 billion cells three times a day).  And I'll be using the All Purpose Nipple Ointment after each nursing. 

You can only understand the pain of nursing when you have thrush if you've experienced it.  If you have or are going through it, I feel your pain and wish you good medical care to get the right treatment!  My Dr. would never have prescribed Fluconazole like this if the lactation consultant didn't recommend it!

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