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Saturday, March 31, 2012

His First Major Accident

We've had our first experience with a real, bloody accident!

On March 18th, Benjamin took a tumble in the tub and hit his forehead so hard that he cut himself right down to the bone!  Daddy was even in the tub WITH him, it was just an accident; a wrong step and a sudden slip and fall.  I was in the kitchen, heard the !BANG! and went running!  I expected a big goose egg, not blood!  And it was all over both of them!  When I got a cloth to press on the cut, I saw his cute, adorable, oh so innocent eyebrow lift away from his face, well, skull I guess.  It is a sight no mom should have to witness...and I don't mind admitting that I totally lost it!  I was in tears and freaking out about what to do...I ran to get dressed, called my Dad in a panic (they rushed over to our place), came and got Benjamin wrapped in a towel and sitting on my lap and tried to press a cloth to his forehead while Daddy ran to get dried off and dressed.  Surprisingly the bleeding slowed quickly and pretty much stopped on its own.  We got him dried, diapered and dressed.  My Dad and Carole arrived and Benjamin was totally calm, quite while I cried like crazy.  Dad and Carole drove us to the hospital while Matthew followed in our car.  We checked in at the Emergency at about 8:30pm and were told it was an 8hr wait.

Benjamin was a trooper, (and I got my crying under control, too).  He walked around the waiting room, calm and relatively happy, interacting with people and eventually snuggling with me and then Daddy.  He finally fell asleep on us around 11pm.  We got called in to see the doctor at 12:15am.  We were told there were 2 ways of doing the stitches, giving a little drowsy medication so Benjamin wouldn't really know what was happening (our favorite option) OR the could swaddle him and just do it fast and as the doctor joked "he'd sort it out in therapy when he was an adult"...NOT our favorite option.  Unfortunately there was no bed available for the "sleepy" option, so within minutes there were two nurses flying around us getting things ready for stitching up our precious son.  They swaddled him up tight as possible and Matthew and I had to help the two nurses hold him down (that's four adults to one toddler!) while the doctor gave him a local anesthetic needle and started stitching right away (did that drug even have time to numb the site!?) 

I have NEVER heard my baby cry like that...and don't wish that experience on any parent.  It was the longest stretch of time I can remember, although it really probably took about 15 minutes.  When it was over, the poor little guy was sweaty as all get out, and SO exhausted!  He just snuggled into me and held on for dear life...poor buddy!  We were able to gather our things and head home right away though.  We were home by 1:15am (not bad since we were told it would take at least 8hrs and it was less than 5hrs).

Here are some pics of our amazing and "ruggedly" handsome little man.

Home from the Hospital.

First look at his 7 stitches.

The scar, revealed.

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