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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Manitoulin Island Trip

On Sunday, Mister and I drove to Manitoulin Island to spend a couple of days with Grandma.  She was staying at a trailer in Stanley Park on Lake Mindemoya.  When we got there in the afternoon, it was so nice we went to the beach and got Grandma in the water for the first time all summer.  Mister loved splashing in the lake!  We visited an old camp friend of mine and her 5mth old son.

Monday was rainy and we visited friends in Providence Bay and then returned to the trailer park and visited more old camp friends of ours.

Tuesday morning, Mister woke up at 5:30am scratching like crazy...I had no cream but we found some vaseline and it helped and he slept until 9:30am!  We went to visit a dear friend of ours at Kickin' Mule Ranch (great place for trail rides!) and introduced her to Mister. Mister got to see horses, ponies, chickens, bunnies and alpacas; and even got to have his very first pony ride!  Then we went to Batman's trailer park and visited another dear friend for lunch.  From there, Mister and I headed home in the late afternoon, just in time for his afternoon nap and he slept most of the way home!

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