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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mississauga Trip (July 16-21)

We finally made the trip to Mississauga to visit very dear friends of ours and introduce them to Mister.  We spend the first night in a hotel (Mister's first hotel experience) and then we were able to stay at their parents' home while their parents were out of town. 

It was the hottest week of the summer!  Highs of 45C!  We spent most of our time indoors where there was AC and only ventured out in the late afternoons and evenings when we visited their parent's place and swam in their pool.  Once again, Mister loved his time in the water...he was in the pool of over an hour each day.

In the middle of the week we met up with my hubby's sister and had lunch together.  It was really nice to see her and have Mister spend time with his aunt!

It was wonderful to get to spend a good chunk of time with our friends and long overdue.

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